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unhappily Meaning in Tamil ( unhappily வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



unhappily தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பாடகி அனுராதாவிற்கும் (ஜெயசித்ரா) ரகுராமனிற்கும் (ரகுவரன்) திருமணமாகி நான்கு வருடங்களாகியும் குழந்தை இல்லாததால் மகிழ்ச்சியின்றி வாழ்கின்றனர்.

இந்த மூன்று கூறுகளின் தேவைகளையும் நிறைவேற்றாதவனும் அல்லது மற்ற இரு கூறுகளை மனதால் கட்டுப்படுத்தவியலாதவனும் மகிழ்ச்சியின்றி வாழ்வான்.

பின்னர்தான் அது அட்கின்சன் என அவர் உணர்ந்ததாகப் பதிவு செய்திருந்தார்: "தாமேவில் மோட்டார்வேயைத் தாண்டிய உடனேயே நான் ஒரு கருஞ்சிகப்பு DBS V8 ஆஸ்டோன் மார்ட்டின் சரிந்த சாலையில் பான்னட் தூக்கப்பட்ட நிலையில் நின்றிருந்ததை கவனித்தேன், அதில் ஒரு மனிதர் மகிழ்ச்சியின்றி சாய்ந்து நின்றிருந்தார்.

unhappily's Usage Examples:

He nudged her head aside, and she yielded, albeit unhappily.

But even Linnaeus could not clear himself of the confusion, and unhappily misapplied the name Meleagris, undeniably belonging to the guinea-fowl, as the generic term for what we now know as the turkey, adding thereto as its specific designation the word gallopavo, taken from the Gallopava of C.

Probably no examples surpass those on the west doors of Notre Dame in Paris - unhappily much falsified by restoration.

He had none, but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others while they were eating!The controversial onscreen actions paired with off-screen drama early in 2009 when Chris Engen who originated the adult role of Adam Wilson left The Young and the Restless citing unhappiness with the direction the role was taking.

The invaluable tractate De Intellectus emendatione, in which the agreement with and divergence from Descartes on the question of method could have been fully elucidated, is unhappily not finished.

It's hard to listen sincerely to Megan prate about her happy marriage when I am unhappily single.

He had none, but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others while they were eating!Being often very hungry when he sat down to his meals, he contracted a habit of eating with ravenous greediness.

Asceticism is thus the counterpart of medieval mysticism; and, by his example as well as by his teaching in such passages, St Bernard unhappily encouraged practices which necessarily resulted in self-delusion.

996), which belong to the cycle of Hall o' Side's Saga, unhappily lost; they are weird tales of bloodshed and magic, with idyllic and pathetic episodes.

Thus he objects to the use of statistics because they favour that tendency to regard all men as mentally and morally equal which is so unhappily strong in modern times.

His warning, "No nonsense, gentlemen" (Point de reveries, Messieurs), was taken in very ill part, and it was perhaps naturally, but beyond question most unhappily, the truth that the tsar's concessions only served to encourage the Poles to revolt, and to produce a strong Russian reaction against his liberal policy.




merrily, happily,

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