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unharmed Meaning in Tamil ( unharmed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தொந்தரவு செய்யாத,

unharmed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

என்னைத் தொந்தரவு செய்யாதே அம்மா - நான் கற்கிறேன் (Don't Bother Me Mom — I'm Learning).

unharmed's Usage Examples:

The young boy was frightened and groggy but appeared unharmed.

Indeed, it was claimed that Cambyses had left the sanctuary unharmed but had destroyed the temples of the Egyptians.

Thus the allies drew off unharmed, leaving no `rophies in the hands of Napoleon, whose success, tactically unquestionable, was, for a variety of reasons, and above all owing to the want of cavalry, a coup manqué strategically.

In the Centaur battle, having been crushed by rocks and trunks of trees, he was changed into a bird; or he disappeared into the depths of the earth unharmed.

Then I lost a grandson and thanks to a miracle, he was returned to me, unharmed.

In Afghanistan the Sayads have much of the commerce in their hands, as their holy character allows them to pass unharmed where other Pathans would be murdered.

19) or was left unharmed (Jos.

"If thou art determined, O God, to destroy me," the unhappy Angevin exclaimed, "let my fall be gradual!"The wary Afghan, however, shut himself upin Kazvin, a position from which he was enabled to inflict much injury on the army of Karirn, while his own troops remained unharmed behind the walls of the town.

In consequence of these transactions, he was suffered to betake himself unharmed to Venice.

It has also been given as a votive offering to a church, and has soon afterwards followed they were buried out of sight for safety, where they were eventually discovered absolutely unharmed centuries afterwards.

Unlike hot summer wildfires the lichen and reptile interest is unharmed and the impact on invertebrates is minimal and short term.

Some of the Greeks said that an eagle caught him in her beak and carried him unharmed to the bottom.


whole, uninjured, unhurt, unscathed,


impaired, broken, unsound, dangerous, injured,

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