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ungodly Meaning in Tamil ( ungodly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தெய்வபக்தியில்லாத, பாவகரமான,

ungodly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அதை விடுத்து பன்றி இறைச்சியையோ அல்லது தபிஹாஹ் செய்யப்படாத இறைச்சியை சாப்பிடுவதோ மிகவும் பாவகரமான செயல் என்று திருக்குர்ஆன் கூறுகிறது.

ungodly's Usage Examples:

"Groen was violently opposed to Thorbecke, whose principles he denounced as ungodly and revolutionary.

With "the profane, ungodly, presumptuous multitude" (to quote Baxter's Saint's Rest, 16 5 o, pp.

Satan possesses the ungodly (Ecclesiasticus xxi.

Thus, for example, the numerous psalms in which the poets, though speaking perhaps, not as individuals but as members of a class, describe themselves as poor and afflicted at the hands of certain ungodly men, who appear to be Jews, can hardly have been originally collected by the Temple choirs.

perdition of ungodly men.

The Conqueror beyond doubt sincerely aimed at being a religious reformer both in his duchy and in his kingdom, while it is needless to say that his immediate successor was exceptionally ungodly, whether among Normans or among other men.

The ungodly will be punished mercilessly, and in exact correspondence to their sins.

4) that the present condition of the world is to last six thousand years from the creation, that at the beginning of the Sabbath (the seventh millennium) the Son of God appears, to put an end to the time of "the unjust one," to judge the ungodly and renew the earth.

4 the writer, in his polemic against the prosperous ungodly men of his time, denies that death, short life and lack of children are to be considered misfortunes for the righteous - over against these things the possession of wisdom is declared to be the supreme good.

When this devout maiden began to denounce the ungodly cardinal who was allied with heretics, her confessor - in Richelieu's service - succeeded in inducing her to become a nun.

) Blessed is pe man, pe goeth not in the councell of Pe ungodly: e abydeth not in the waye off synners, ' sytteth not in 1e seate of the scornefull.


iniquitous, wicked, sinful,


moral, righteous, moderate, virtuous,

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