unequal Meaning in Tamil ( unequal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
ஒப்புமை இல்லாத,
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unequal தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
(பொருள்): "மூன்று உலகங்களிலும் இதற்கு ஓர் ஒப்புமை இல்லாத தன்மையாய், முக்காலங்களிலும் பழுதில்லாக் கன்னியாய்த் தான் இருந்தே, அளவில்லாத தெய்வ மூன்றாட்களுள் நடுப்பட்டு நிற்கும்.
காரண-காரிய தொடர்பு, கூற்றின் உண்மை அறிதல், சரியான-சரியில்லாதவற்றைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தல், ஒப்புமை இல்லாததைக் கண்டறிதல், சூழல் வினாவிடை, பல்தெரிவு வினா, கட்டுரைகள், கடிதங்கள் எனப்பல வகைகள் உயர்நிலைச் சிந்தனைத்திறனுக்கான வகைமையாகின்றன.
unequal's Usage Examples:
Ward is described by his son and biographer as somewhat unequally gifted by nature.
Fogs and hail are rare, but, as in all treeless countries, the rain comes in unequal quantities, and cloudbursts are not unknown.
unequal length wishbones with concentric spring/damper units.
Bancroft's direction and control by an office staff, and are of very unequal value; they are a vast storehouse of detailed material which is of great usefulness, although their judgments of men are often inadequate and prejudiced.
This history, as we now have it, is extracted from various sources of unequal value, which are fitted together in a way which offers considerable difficulties to the critic.
If each of these axes successively is placed parallel to the lines of force in a uniform field H, we shall have 12 13K3H, the three susceptibilities being in general unequal, though in some cases two of them may have the same value.
By the unequal development of the secondary cortex the stem becomes twoor three-lobed; the roots, which branch dichotomously, spring from the furrows between the lobes.
The historical value of these lists is very unequal; a careful study of the names often proves the lateness of the source, although an appreciation of the principles of genealogies sometimes reveals important historical information; see Caleb, Genealogy, Judah.
3 From this northern limit to the Aral-Caspian and Mongolian steppes stretches all over Siberia the forest region; the forests are, however, very unequally distributed, covering from 50 to 99% of the area in different districts.
The pomegranate fields form a striking feature in the valley - the pomegranates of Kandahar, with its "sirdar" melons and grapes, being unequalled in quality by any in the East.
undermanned, unequal to, incapable, adequacy, deficient, understaffed, incompetent, wanting, lacking, inadequate, short-handed, unsatisfactory, short-staffed, adequateness,
unsatisfactoriness, inadequate, satisfactory, adequate, inadequacy,