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undisguised Meaning in Tamil ( undisguised வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பற்றி ஒளிவுமறைவற்ற,

undisguised தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


undisguised's Usage Examples:

If the state, for purposes of its own, insisted upon expropriating all landlords, it was bound to find the difference, or to enter upon a course of undisguised confiscation.

Though aware of Bismarcks hostility towards Italy, of the conclusion of the Austro-German alliance of 1879, and of the undisguised ill-will of France, Italy not only made no attempt to crush an agitation as mischievous as it was futile, but granted a state funeral to General Avezzana, president of the Irredentist League.

Very soon the barons began to return to their allegiance, or at least to slacken in their support of Louis, who had given much offence by his openly displayed distrust of his partisans and his undisguised preference for his French followers.

The religion is an undisguised animism, and all their frequent and elaborate ceremonies and festivals are aimed at exorcising and scaring spirits.

At the same time her undisguised impatience of the cumbrous court etiquette shocked many people, and her taste for pleasure led her to seek the society of the comte d'Artois and his young and dissolute circle.

But when he filled his court with them, made them earls and bishops, and appointed one of them, Robert of Jumiges, to the archbishopric of Canterbury, his undisguised preference for strangers gave no small offence to his English subjects.

Did Lloyd George not hold an undisguised admiration for Hitler, even remarking in private that Hitler was a ' great man '?Also in the image are rapper Tupac Shakur, actor Jack Nicholson, Naruto character Rock Lee, and the infamous Adolf Hitler.

, undisguisedly French in sympathy, reigned but twenty-seven days - a sorry return for the 300,000 ducats which his election is rumoured to have cost Henry IV.

We can account for this only by emphasizing the fact that the form of Caesar's government became as time went on more undisguised in its absolutism, while the honours conferred upon him seemed designed to raise him above the rest of humanity.

He had a passion for play, and was a friend of Ninon de l'Enclos; and his enemies found ready weapons against him in the undisguised looseness of his life.

Did Lloyd George not hold an undisguised admiration for Hitler, even remarking in private that Hitler was a ' great man '?xxiv.

From this date the expenses of the Roman state " were undisguisedly supported by the taxation of the provinces.

In his Memoirs he speaks of the results of his " childish revolt against the religion of his country " with undisguised self gratulation.


overt, open,


lock, seal, covert,

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