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undersides Meaning in Tamil ( undersides வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




undersides தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Orb Web Spider (Araneidae) yellow underside (14490683008).

படிமம்:B4 Western painted turtle underside.

undersides's Usage Examples:

silvery on the undersides.

inspect the undersides of objects and pick them off.

A number of water-soaked lesions were first observed on the undersides of the cotyledons (Fig.

Snails are a bit easier to find due to their shells, so inspect the undersides of objects and pick them off.

These hairs give the leaf undersides a silvery-white color.

Smooth, dark brown branches that often bear spines and narrow, light green leaves that are silvery on the undersides.

Picea Ajanensis - The finest of the Japanese Spruces, distinguished from all others by the bluish silver tint of the young branches on the undersides, but which are upturned so that the whole tree has a silvery appearance.

It produces 3 to 6 inch, heart shaped, long stalked leaves that are covered with white fuzz on their undersides.

crayon marks on their undersides.

In addition, affected plants may develop leaf-like outgrowths from the veins on the undersides of leaves.

General characteristics Barn owls have beautiful plumage with buff colored topsides, flecked with gray and white undersides and face.


base, sole, face, bottom, heel, bilge, side, undersurface, underbelly,


front, descent, ascent, natural depression, good part,

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