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underside Meaning in Tamil ( underside வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




underside தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Orb Web Spider (Araneidae) yellow underside (14490683008).

படிமம்:B4 Western painted turtle underside.

underside's Usage Examples:

He listened for the siren but heard only his Jeep, and twice, the scrapes of his underside as he bottomed out on protruding stone.

silvery on the undersides.

Passing back from the centre of the web to the underside of an adjoining leaf or some other sheltered spot runs a single thread, the trap line affording passage to the spider to and from the sheltered spot and the snare itself.

inspect the undersides of objects and pick them off.

passant mark on underside of foot, for sterling silver.

You probably only need to jack one side up just so you have enough room to get to the underside of the active aero.

Lifting a rock can reveal that its complete underside is covered by edible periwinkles.

The eggs after being laid are carried about by the mother, adhering in a glutinous mass to the underside of the abdomen.

- Colony of Bougainvillea distinct types of budding are fruticosa, natural size, attached to the found, which are best deunderside of a piece of floating timscribed in botanical terminober.

4 gasoline engine; check the underside of the oil filler cap for white emulsion.

A number of water-soaked lesions were first observed on the undersides of the cotyledons (Fig.

Hannah saw nothing but the gilded world around her; she had no idea about the dark underside to the Immortal world.

to be discovered later stuck to the underside of his highchair !wheedleer, as the benefits have increased, card firms have also become cleverer at wheedling money out of customers.


base, sole, face, bottom, heel, bilge, side, undersurface, underbelly,


front, descent, ascent, natural depression, good part,

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