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trona Meaning in Tamil ( trona வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



trona's Usage Examples:

Edward the Confessor gave the manor to the church of Winchester in 1042, and it remained with the prior and convent of St Swithin until the 13th century, when it passed by exchange to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, though the vassals of the prior and convent remained exempt from dues and tronage in the port.

Recognizing a promotional opportunity, the NASA official accompanying the astronauts agreed and told an underling to get a tape recorder.

Cities and kingdoms were allotted to their several patronage on a system fully expounded by Manilius: Hos erit in fines orbis pontusque notandus, Quem Deus in partes per singula dividit astra, Ac sua cuique dedit tutelae regna per orbem, Et proprias gentes atque urbes addidit altas, In quibus exercent praestantia sidera vires.

bionic man by any chance?Million Dollar Man - While not fully a robot, astronaut Steve Austin of the 6 Million Dollar Man TV series became a bionic human with legs, an arm and even one eye replaced by robotic implants that transformed him into a superhuman.

If athletes get athlete's foot, do astronauts get mistletoe?One day, it might be a catchy wake-up tune for shuttle astronauts.

Nicholas and Denisov were walking up and down, looking with kindly patronage at the dancers.

In 1748 he removed to Edinburgh, and there, under the patronage of Lord Kames, gave lectures on rhetoric and belles-lettres.

As if that weren't enough, the Speedmaster was also worn by both American astronaut Tom Stafford and Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on the famous Apollo-Soyuz space rendezvouz.

Up till 1477 he is still spoken of as a pupil or apprentice of Verrocchio; but in that year he seems to have been taken into special favour by Lorenzo the Magnificent, and to have worked as an independent artist under his patronage until 1482-1483.

During summer steamers ply between the Trossachs and Stronachlachar and there is a daily service of coaches from the Trossachs to Callander (about io m.

), and between Stronachlachar, to Inversnaid on Loch Lomond (about 42 m.

Plutarch (Pericles) gives many interesting details as to Pericles' personal bearing, home life, and patronage of art, literature and philosophy, derived in part from the old comic poets, Aristophanes, Cratinus, Eupolis, Hermippus, Plato and Teleclides; in part from the contemporary memoirs of Stesimbrotus and Ion of Chios.

By his purchase of Avignon, and the creation of numerous French cardinals, the pope consolidated the close connexion of the Roman Church with France: but the interests of that Church suffered severely through the riches and patronage which Clement lavished on his relatives, and through the princely luxury of his court.

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