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troon Meaning in Tamil ( troon வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


troon's Usage Examples:

The patroon received his estate in perpetual inheritance and had the exclusive right of hunting and fishing upon it.

Melyn surrendered his rights as a patroon in 1661 and during the remainder of the Dutch regime many small grants of land were made to French, Dutch, and English settlers.

"The colonists of the patroons were exempted from all taxes for a period of ten years, but were forbidden to manufacture any cloth whatever.

In general the small shop-keepers, small farmers, sailors, poor traders and artisans were arrayed against the patroons, rich fur-traders, merchants, lawyers and crown officers.

The founder of a colony was styled a patroon, and, although the colonists were bound to him only by a voluntary contract for specified terms, the relations between them and the patroon during the continuance of the contract were in several important respects similar to those under the feudal system between the lord of a manor and his serfs.

The Company promised to permit the patroons to engage in the fur trade, whenever it had no commissary of its own, subject to a tax of one guilder (40 cents) on each skin, and to engage in other trade along the coast from Newfoundland to Florida subject to a tax of 5% on goods shipped to Europe.

The patroon was the legal heir of all his colonists who died intestate.

The colony of Rensselaerwyck was the only one that prospered under the patroon system.

1580-1645), the original patroon of Rensselaerwyck, New York, who acquired his large estates between 1630 and 1637.

'1667), 1 while manager of the estates of his cousin, the patroon, Killian Van Rensselaer, visited the site in 1642, and it 1662, being dissatisfied with conditions on the Manor, he led a band of settlers here.

In 1659 it was bought from the Indians, with the consent of the patroon, by Jan Barentsen Wemp, and several families settled here.

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