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treachery Meaning in Tamil ( treachery வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நம்பிக்கைத் துரோகமான, ராஜத் துரோகம், துரோகம்,

treachery தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

SIT அறிக்கை வெளிக்கசிந்தமை 'நம்பிக்கைத் துரோகமானது' என உச்ச நீதிமன்றமும் கண்டனம் தெரிவித்தது.

treachery's Usage Examples:

On receipt of the tidings of Mordred's treachery, Gawain accompanies Arthur to England, and is slain in the battle which ensues on their landing.

Pelops, by the treachery of Myrtilus, the charioteer of Oenomaiis, won the race and married Hippodameia.

A sham contest was changed into a fatal fray by the treachery of Ishbaal's men; and in the battle which ensued Abner was not only defeated, but, by slaying Asahel, drew upon himself a bloodfeud with Joab.

Aristotle has left some verses from an invocation to Arete (Virtue), commemorating the worth of Hermeas, who had been seized by Persian treachery and put to death.

, at a period when misfortunes incurred by Edom were interpreted as a Divine judgment on its unforgotten treachery in that year of tragedy.

The Vandal king Genseric, however, after all overtures of peace had been rejected, succeeded through the treachery of certain officers in surprising the Roman fleet, most of the ships being either taken or destroyed.

But while roasting Fafnir's heart, which Regin had cut out, Sigurd burned his finger with the boiling fat and, placing it to his lips, found that he could understand the language of birds, and so learned from the chattering of the woodpeckers that Regin was planning treachery.

He wondered what hers was, and if it was the same gift of treachery that had doomed Lilith.

Cruelty and treachery seem innate in the whole family.

Although numerous reinforcements arrived, he would have found it very difficult to storm the place previous to the inundation of the Nile but for treachery within the citadel; the Greeks who remained there were either made prisoners or put to the sword.

The treachery of a foreign guide also added to his difficulties.


insidiousness, perfidy, perfidiousness, disloyalty,


trueness, faithfulness, fidelity, honesty, loyalty,

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