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transversely Meaning in Tamil ( transversely வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



transversely தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பி400 அம்சமானது முந்தைய லம்போர்கினியின் கார்களிலிருந்து உயர்தரமாகவும் மத்திய-என்ஜின் வடிவத்திலும் வெளிவந்தது; இறுக்கமாக அமைக்கப்பட்ட வடிவமைப்பால் இடப்பற்றாக்குறையின் காரணமாகவும் V12 மாறுபட்டும் அது வெற்றிகரமாக ட்ரான்ஸ்மிஷன் மற்றும் சிலவேறுபாடுகளோடு செய்யப்பட்டது.

transversely's Usage Examples:

When the ovules are very numerous (indefinite), while at the same time the placenta is not much developed, their position exhibits great variation, some being directed upwards, others downwards, others transversely; and their form is altered by pressure into various polyhedral shapes.

The condyle is greatly elevated above the alveolar border; its articular surface is very wide transversely, and narrow and convex from before backwards.

The seats, holding two persons, are placed transversely on each side of the central passage, and have reversible backs, so that passengers can always sit facing the direction in which the train is travelling.

There is a pair of large nodular sesamoids behind the metacarpo-phalangeal articulation, and a single large transversely-extended sesamoid behind the joint between the second and third phalanx, called the " navicular bone.

Both vertically and transversely it measures about an inch and a quarter, while antero-posteriorly it is only about three-quarters of an inch, though its size is liable to great variation.

In colour the sides of the face are puce, and the neck and most of the body purplish, but the buttocks and upper part of both fore and hind limbs are transversely barred with black and white, while their lower portion is mainly white with black fetlock-rings, and in the front pair a vertical black stripe on the anterior surface.

from front to back, and consists of two oblong rectangles; the foremost, placed transversely to the other, is the great hypostyle hall or pronaos, the broadest and loftiest part of the temple, measuring 135 ft.

Each seed is contained in a separate cavity by the folding inwards of thewalls of the legume at equal intervals; the legume, when ripe,separates transversely into single-seeded portions.

9); the canines are small or absent; the cheek-teeth have bluntly tuberculate or transversely-ridged crowns in most cases; and the hind-feet are syndactylous.

The more northerly range, in which volcanic disturbances on a great scale have been comparatively recent, extends transversely across the country, from a point a little south of Salinas Bay, to the headland of Carreta, the southern extremity of the Atlantic seaboard, also known as Monkey Point.

- Trilocular ovary of the Lily (Lilium), cut transversely.

The stomach is formed upon much the same principle as that of the horse or rhinoceros, but is more elongated transversely and divided by a constriction into two cavities - a large left cul de sac, lined by a very dense white epithelium, and a right pyloric cavity, with a thick, soft, vascular lining.

The articles are slacked transversely in a furnace, each being packed in granular coke and covered with carborundum.





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