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transverse Meaning in Tamil ( transverse வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



transverse's Usage Examples:

The malleus and incus cf the internal ear are united, and there is no transverse canal in the skull.

Poplin >>The caud-ilio flexorius (semitendinosus of most authors) arises from the transverse processes of the tail, and from the distal half of the postacetabular ilium, thence passing as a broad ribbon to the popliteal region, where it splits into two portions.

These nine theoretical centres or " pieces " L'Herminier deemed to be disposed in three transverse series (rangees), namely the anterior or " prosternal," the middle or " mesosternal " and the posterior or " metasternal " - each series consisting of three portions, one median piece and two side-pieces.

The jugal is without an inferior angle, and extends forwards to the lachrymal; the palate is contracted in front and deeply emarginate behind; the incisors are short, and the molars divided by continuous folds into transverse plates; and the two halves of the lower jaw are welded together in front.

If the portal vein is followed from the transverse fissure, it will be seen to branch and rebranch until minute twigs called interlobular veins (fig.

The last premolar and the molars have quadrate crowns, provided with two strong transverse ridges, or with four obtuse cusps.

Their scales are generally rough and spinous; but otherwise they possess no strikingly distinguishing peculiarity, unless the loose skin of their throat, which is transversely folded and capable of inflation, be regarded as such.

West of the Nun all the estuaries up to the Forcados seem to be true mouths of the great river, while the Benin river, though linked to the others by transverse channels, may be more properly regarded as an independent stream.

Multiple transverse striations along the blade edge, which is largely intact.

The armature consists of a bony case, partly composed of solid buckler-like plates, and partly of movable transverse bands, the latter differing in number with the species, and giving to the body a considerable degree of flexibility.

It showed acceptable repeatability in the sagittal and frontal plane kinematics, but not in the transverse plane parameters (rotation angles ).


cross, crosswise, transversal, thwartwise,


uncross, good-natured, inclined, vertical, lengthwise,

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