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torsional Meaning in Tamil ( torsional வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முறுக்குதல், திருகுதல்,

torsional தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இத்தகைய அடைப்பிதழ்கள், சீராக்கம் , முறுக்குதல் , அளவிடல் அல்லது ஊசி அடைப்பிதழ்கள் எனப் பல பெயர்களால் அழைக்கப்படுகின்றன.

முறுக்குதல் - சுழற்றுதல், திரித்தல்.

இது முறுக்குதல் நிகழ்வு (throttling process) என அழைக்கப்படும்.

torsional's Usage Examples:

This movement is resisted by the torsional elasticity of the suspending wire, and hence a fixed indicating needle attached to the movable system can be made to indicate directly on a scale, the difference of potential between the terminals of the instrument in volts.

In these circumstances the torsional angle becomes a measure of the torque and therefore of the product of the strengths of the currents in the two coils, that is to say, of the square of the strength of the current passing through the two coils if they are joined up in series.

So long as the wire (supposed isotropic) is free from torsional stress, there will be no external evidence of magnetism.

If then the torsion head is provided with an index needle, and also if the movable coil is provided with an indicating point, it is possible to measure the torsional angle through which the head must be twisted to bring the movable coil back to its zero position.

Thus if the magnet is suspended horizontally by a fine wire, which, when the magnetic axis points north and south, is free from torsion, and if 0 is the angle through which the upper end of the wire must be twisted to make the magnet point east and west, then MH CB, or M C6/H, where C is the torsional couple for r 0.

The velocity of propagation of a torsional disturbance along a wire of circular section may be found by the transfer of momentum method, remembering that we must now replace linear momentum by angular momentum.

Gripped by a six-piston caliper, braking forces are transferred optimally to the rim, virtually eliminating torsional load on the front wheel.

The torsional vibrations of a wire are excited when it is bowed.

The high strength tubular steel frame incorporates a closed double cradle for maximum torsional rigidity and strength.

When a cart wheel is ungreased it produces a very high note, probably due to torsional vibrations of the axle.

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