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tolerance Meaning in Tamil ( tolerance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tolerance's Usage Examples:

The Arab rule in Spain, which once threatened to overwhelm Europe and was turned back near Tours by Charles Martel, was distinguished by its tolerance and civilization, and lingered on till the 15th century.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, further antibody testing is useful for evaluating how your body is responding to treatment or determining whether there may be other dietary intolerances at play.

To foreigners, especially Christians, he showed a spirit of tolerance; two Englishmen, Sir Anthony and Sir Robert Shirley, or Sherley, were admitted to his confidence.

But the reconquest of Andalusia by the Christians associated towards the end of the 15th century with the establishment of the Inquisition, introduced a spirit of intolerance which led to the expulsion of the Jews and Moors.

As a religious man, he wrote and strove in favour of tolerance, being decidedly against capital punishment for heretics.

A person with food intolerances that remain untreated for long periods of time will experience some sort of immune dysfunction.

Some people, on the other hand, associate the American flag with intolerance and other values that focus on some of the missteps and more unfortunate episodes in United States history.

The drain of men told upon her vitality, their quality deteriorated, and their bigotry and intolerance raised even a fiercer opposition to them within the bounds of India; and as the Dutch and British came into prominence the Portuguese gradually faded away.

the religious point of view by intolerance, was completed from the administrative point of view by inextricable disorder.

He had lost his seat for Bristol two years before, in consequence of his courageous advocacy of a measure of tolerance for the Catholics, and his still more courageous exposure of the enormities of the commercial policy of England towards Ireland.

Different kids have different levels of tolerance for scary stories as well - what's mildly suspenseful for one child may leave another one up all night, scared to shut his eyes.

For common weights and measures this margin (tolerance, remedy or allowance, as it is also called) has been set out by the Board of Trade for all the various kinds of weights and measures in use for commercial purposes in the United Kingdom, and similar margins of error are recognized in other countries.


acceptance, unpermissive, toleration, lenience, permissive, sufferance, temperament, overtolerance, indulgence, permissiveness, leniency, disposition,


ill nature, uncheerfulness, unpermissiveness, unpermissive, permissive,

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