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tids Meaning in Tamil ( tids வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கடல்மட்டத்தின் இறக்கம், கடல்மட்டத்தின் ஏற்றம்,

tids's Usage Examples:

The eggcell or oosphere is a large cell containing a single large nucleus, and in the green plants the rudiments of plastids.

Cryptids are legendary creatures that may or may not exist, such as Bigfoot, Nessie, and the chupacabra.

i, Simple disk of Microcodon; 2, bdelloid disk of Rotifer and of most Melicertids showing dorsal gap; 3, disk of Hydatina, with lobed ridges in the groove, bearing vibratile styles (membranelles); 4, disk of Melicerta ringens and M.

sists of a semifluid granular substance, called the cytoplasm, one or more nuclei, and sometimes centrosomes and plastids.

Some of the outermost tubules of the ep06phoron are sometimes distended to form hydatids.

In some Indian and Malay Engystomatids of the genera Callula and Microhyla, the tadpoles are remarkably transparent, and differ markedly in the structure of the buccal apparatus.

Plants and various groups of algae also have plastids.

In the Algae, such as Fucus, Volvox, Oedogonium, Bulbochaete, and in the Fungus Monoblepharis, the spermatozoid is a small oval or elongate cell containing nucleus, cytoplasm and sometimes plastids.

Each chromosome has divided to produce 2 identical chromatids, joined at a structure called the centromere.

As a rule they are highly coloured, the colouring matter being contained in the cell-sap, as in blue or red flowers, or in plastids (chromoplasts), as generally in yellow flowers, or in both forms, as in many orange-coloured or reddish flowers.

A small Ionic temple of marble with two caryatids between antae stood on this substructure.

Meiosis II - One set of homologous chromatids fail to separate.

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