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tidings Meaning in Tamil ( tidings வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமாசாரம், செய்தி,

tidings தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

"இது ஆம்பளைங்க சமாசாரம்".

tidings's Usage Examples:

On receiving the tidings of the conclusion of the peace of Nystad (August 30, 1721), Peter declared, with perfect justice, that it was the most profitable peace Russia had ever concluded.

No more tidings were ever received of the deserted men.

Then, in May 1248, came the tidings of Enzio's capture by the Bolognese, and of his hopeless imprisonment, the captors refusing all offers of ransom.

Unfortunately the glad tidings also spread under the moor and the earth gnomes got to hear of the farmer's new son.

It is good tidings to the poor: it sets no store on property and material comfort: it pities the wealthy and congratulates the needy.

'It is good tidings to the poor: it sets no store on property and material comfort: it pities the wealthy and congratulates the needy.

With the tidings of this truce arrived, in April, a body of French knights who desired to enjoy fighting, and though dates are obscure they seem to have caused, by a raid in April, a retaliatory foray by the Percies in May or June.

In 1559 he accompanied the princess Margaret, now duchess of Savoy, to Nice, where, in the following year, tidings reached him that he had been chosen to succeed Francois Olivier (1487-1560) in the chancellorship of France.

He had just made choice of the admirable site of the old market-town of Bagdad when the tidings came of the rising of Mahommed in Medina.

The key-note of his Gospel is universality: the mission of the Christ embraces the poor, the weak, the despised, the heretic and the sinful: it is good tidings to all mankind.

Two days later Cesarini received the tidings that a fleet of galleys had set off for the Bosporus to prevent Murad (who, crushed by his recent disasters, had retired to Asia Minor) from recrossing into Europe, and the cardinal reminded the king that he had sworn to co-operate by land if the western powers attacked the Turks by sea.

But this he was unable to do, for he received tidings that the French had unexpectedly advanced, and had barely time to remove his own family and valuables from his estate.


info, latest, word, news, intelligence, good word, information, update,


uninterestingness, unintelligent, intelligent, inability, stupidity,

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