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these Meaning in Tamil ( these வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பல குறித்த, இவர்கள், இவை,

these தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முதலுரு இடாய்ச்சிய மொழியும் அதன் வழி வந்த கிளை மொழிகளும் பல குறித்தறியப் பெறும் தனி இயல்புகளைக் கொண்டுள்ளன.

these's Usage Examples:

In the Echinoidea the water-canals and associated structures, ending in the terminal plates, stretched right up to these genital plates; but in the Asteroidea they never reached the aboral surface, so that the terminals have always been separated from the aboral pole by a number of plates.

About eighty-five families are generally recognized; the difficulty that confronts the zoologists is the arrangement of these families in "superfamilies" or "sub-orders.

In addition to these affronts upon the state religion, he insulted the intelligence of the community by horseplay of the wildest description and by childish practical joking.

Jupiter was measured on eleven nights in the months of June and July 1794; from these measures Schur derives the values 35"39 and 37".

Only a quarter of the cavalry and 14 battalions of infantry (English and Dutch) remained intact, and Waldeck could do no more, but with these he emulated the last stand of the Spaniards at Rocroi fifty years before.

The weather may not always permit outdoor activities, so when the kids are cooped up in the house, you can try these indoor art projects to keep them occupied.

But the piratical acts of these traders, in which the knights themselves sometimes joined, and the strategic position of the island between Constantinople and the Levant, necessitated its reduction by the Ottoman sultans.

Although the Vaishnava sects hitherto noticed, in their adoration of Vishnu and his incarnations, Krishna and Ramachandra, usually associate with these gods their Brot wives, as their saktis, or female energies, the sexual element is, as a rule, only just allowed sufficient scope to enhance the emotional character of the rites of worship.

Is this day of high and solemn gratulation, to be turned to such forebodings as these?forebodings of evil.

Farmers that buy these seeds are required to sign stringent contracts and are not allowed to save seeds or use other agrochemicals.

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