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tetraspore Meaning in Tamil ( tetraspore வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


tetraspore's Usage Examples:

From this it would seem that in this plant reduction takes place in the tetraspore mothercell, and that the tetrasporiferous plants are sporophytes which alternate with sexual plants.

the tetraspores, and the sexual plant may only be reached after a series of such plants have been successively generated.

Nemalion is, however, one of those Florideae in which tetraspores do not occur.

In answer to this question a recent writer, Yamanouchi, states in a preliminary communication that he has found that in Polysiphonia violacea the germinating carpospores exhibit forty chromosomes, and the germinating tetraspores twenty chromosomes.

The asexual cells are termed tetraspores on account of the usual occurrence of four in each sporangium.

Mottier's observation has been confirmed by Lloyd Williams, who has shown, moreover, that the single number occurs in germlings from the tetraspore, and also in the adult stages of all sexual plants, while the double number occurs in germlings from the oospore, and in adult stages of all asexual plants.

a, mother-cell of tetraspores.

Novel as this result may seem, the tetraspores of Florideae become hereby comparable with the tetraspores of Dictyota, to which reference will be made hereafter.

But it is clear that it becomes on this view increasingly difficult to explain the occasional occurrence of tetraspores on male, female and monoecious plants or the role of the carpospores in the life-cycle of Florideae.

Mottier first observed that a reduction in the number takes place in the mother-cells of the tetraspore.

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