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tartrate Meaning in Tamil ( tartrate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tartrate's Usage Examples:

Colloidal silver is the name given by Carey Lea to the precipitates obtained by adding reducing solutions, such as ferrous sulphate, tartrates, citrates, tannin, 'c.

(4) Soda tartarata (Rochelle salt), a tartrate of sodium and potassium, from which is made pelvis sodae tartaratae effervescens, known as Seidlitz powder.

Barreswil found that a strongly alkaline solution of copper sulphate and potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt) remained unchanged on boiling, but yielded an immediate precipitate of red cuprous oxide when a solution of glucose was added.

Tartaric acid, which is sometimes present in large quantities as an adulterant in commercial citric acid, may be detected in the presence of the latter, by the production of a precipitate of acid potassium tartrate when potassium acetate is added to a cold solution.

Plumbic acid, Pb0(OH) 21 is obtained as a bluish-black, lustrous body of electrolysing an alkaline solution of lead sodium tartrate.

In repeating and extending the experiments of Haiiy much later, Sir David Brewster discovered that various artificial salts were pyro-electric, and he mentions the tartrates of potash and soda and tartaric acid as exhibiting this property in a very strong degree.

During the alcoholic fermentation of grape juice it is deposited in the form of an impure acid potassium tartrate which is known as argol, and when purified as cream of tartar.

Another mode of separating the two acids is to convert them into calcium salts, which are then treated with a perfectly neutral solution of cupric chloride, soluble cupric citrate and calcium chloride being formed, while cupric tartrate remains undissolved.

The main result of plastering is that the soluble tartrates in the wine are decomposed, forming insoluble tartrate of lime and soluble sulphate of potash.

choline bitartrate, the basic constituent of lecithin, is in many animal and plant tissues and prepared synthetically.

The tartrate and acid tartrate are also diuretic in their action and, as well as the sulphate, are valuable hydragogue saline purgatives.

If an absolutely pure preparation is wanted it is best to follow Water and start with the "black flux" produced by the ignition of pure bitartrate.

The bitartrates RbHC 4 H 4 0 6 and CsHC 4 H 4 O 6 have been employed, as have also the alums (see above).


antimony potassium tartrate, bitartrate, tartar emetic, salt,



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