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sumach Meaning in Tamil ( sumach வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


sumach தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கடேரியனா யுஸ்செங்கோ-சுமாச்செங்கோ - உக்ரெய்னின் தற்போதைய பிரதமர் விக்டர் யுஸ்செங்கோவின் மனைவி.

விண்டோசு ஆக்கக்கூறுகள் உயிரணுக்களின் முதலுருமென்சவ்வுகள் (பிளாசுமாச் சவ்வுகள்) கிளைக்கோஸ்பிங்கோகொழுமியங்கள் மற்றும் புரத ஏற்பிகளின் இணைவினால் உருவானவையாகும்.

sumach's Usage Examples:

The sumach (Rhus glabra) grew luxuriantly about the house, pushing up through the embankment which I had made, and growing five or six feet the first season.

Wild ginger, elder and sumach are common, and in the mountain areas, rhododendrons, mountain laurel and azaleas.

The iron tree (Parrotia persica), the silk acacia, Carpinus betulus, Quercus iberica, the box tree and the walnut flourish freely, as well as the sumach, the pomegranate, and the Gleditschia caspica.

A young forest growing up under your meadows, and wild sumachs and blackberry vines breaking through into your cellar; sturdy pitch pines rubbing and creaking against the shingles for want of room, their roots reaching quite under the house.

Poet, is it you?A young forest growing up under your meadows, and wild sumachs and blackberry vines breaking through into your cellar; sturdy pitch pines rubbing and creaking against the shingles for want of room, their roots reaching quite under the house.

Wine, fruit, cork, baskets and sumach are exported in small coasting vessels; there are important sardine and tunny fisheries; and boats, sails and cordage are manufactured.

It comes on apace; my sumachs and sweetbriers tremble.

kermes), the pistachio or terebinth tree, the sumach (Rhus pentaphila), and other species of Rhus which are widely spread.

It is now filled with the smooth sumach (Rhus glabra), and one of the earliest species of goldenrod (Solidago stricta) grows there luxuriantly.

Wheat, maize, rice, oil, flax and hemp, of fine quality, are grown in considerable quantities; as well as saffron, madder, liquorice, sumach, and a variety of fruits.

The sumach is largely grown in the Mirdite district; its leaves are exported to Trieste for use in tanneries and dyeworks.

Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.

Among other trees and shrubs may be mentioned the sumach, the date-palm, the plantain, various bamboos, cycads and the dwarf-palm, the last of which grows in some parts of Sicily more profusely than anywhere else, and in the desolate region in the south-west yields almost the only vegetable product of importance.


Rhus aromatica, staghorn sumac, squaw-bush, squawbush, shining sumac, dwarf sumac, sugar-bush, Rhus typhina, black sumac, Rhus glabra, Rhus, genus Rhus, shumac, bush, vinegar tree, sugar sumac, lemon sumac, smooth sumac, Virginian sumac, sumac, velvet sumac, scarlet sumac, Rhus ovata, skunkbush, Rhus copallina, shrub, fragrant sumac, Rhus trilobata, mountain sumac,


fauna, superior,

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