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starless Meaning in Tamil ( starless வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

விண்மீன் அற்ற

starless's Usage Examples:

The cities are too large for my hunting and the towns so open a stranger stands out like neon sign on a starless night.

Farther back beyond the dark trees a roof glittered with dew, to the right was a leafy tree with brilliantly white trunk and branches, and above it shone the moon, nearly at its full, in a pale, almost starless, spring sky.

Then, rises up the starless night, no song no light.

starless heaven beyond the fixed stars.

starless night, no song no light.

The tiger frequently makes his presence felt, but is seldom seen; he prefers to prowl in what the Malays call tiger weather, that is, dark, starless, misty nights.

It was probably in Paris, the chief intellectual centre of his time, that Neckam heard how a ship, among its other stores, must have a needle placed above a magnet (the De utensilibus assumes a needle mounted on a pivot), which needle would revolve until its point looked north, and thus guide sailors in murky weather or on starless nights.

Then home shivering under the cold, starless sky on Saturday nights, with 9d.

starless sky on Saturday nights, with 9d.

Later still the Neoplatonist Emperor Julian wrote in Hymn to Helios that the sun moved in the starless heaven beyond the fixed stars.

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