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starling Meaning in Tamil ( starling வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கட்டிடங்களுக்கு அருகில் கூடு கட்டும் ஐரோப்பியப் பறவை இனம்,

starling's Usage Examples:

Of other families which, however, extend their range more or less far into the Australian realm, may be mentioned Otididae, the bustards; Meropidae or bee-eaters; Muscicapidae or flycatchers; Sturnidae or starlings.

Cape Glossy starling Lamprotornis nitens The most commonly seen glossy starling in most of Namibia.

Spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) Widespread, but never in big groups or colonies like the common starling.

Spotless Starling (Sturnus unicolor) Widespread, but never in big groups or colonies like the common starling.

The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is naturalized in New Zealand, Australia and to some extent in the United States.

En route I saw house sparrows, starling, redbreast ' rabbits.

No native passerine have been recorded, but redpoll Acanthis flammea and common starling Sturnus vulgaris are both widespread and common.

Reunion possessed the peculiar starling, Fregilupus.

flight energetics of the starling (Sturnus vulgaris) during the parental period.

Woodpigeons, starlings, resident and migrant thrushes and newly arrived summer migrants such as blackcaps feed on them.

Cape Glossy Starling Lamprotornis nitens The most commonly seen glossy starling in most of Namibia.

starling Sturnus vulgaris are both widespread and common.


mynah bird, minah, myna bird, Pastor roseus, myna, oscine bird, oscine, Sturnidae, mynah, Pastor sturnus, rose-colored pastor, family Sturnidae, mina, common starling, rose-colored starling, Sturnus vulgaris,



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