stamen Meaning in Tamil ( stamen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
மகரந்தக் கேசரம்,
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stamen தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
அவற்றில் "pin" வகைத் தாவரத்தில், சூலகத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறும் சூல்தண்டு என்னும் நீண்ட பகுதி அல்லிவட்டத்திற்கு வெளியாக நீண்டு, அதன் நுனியில் உள்ள குறி/சூலகமுடிப் பகுதி வெளியே தெரியுமாறும், மகரந்தக் கேசரம் அல்லிவட்டக் குழாயின் உள்ளேயே பாதித் தூரத்தில் மறைந்த நிலையிலும் காணப்படும்.
stamen's Usage Examples:
Upon this latter phase the pseudepigraphical and apocalyptical writings have shed much unexpected light in linking the Old Testament with both Christian and Rabbinical theology.
7) fixed the proportion of a man's slaves which he could liberate by testament, and forbade more than a hundred being so enfranchised, whatever might be the the number of the familia.
A typical male flower consists of a central axis bearing numerous spirally-arranged sporophylls (stamens), each of which consists of a slender stalk (filament) terminating distally in a more or less prominent knob or triangular scale, and bearing two or more pollen-sacs (microsporangia) on its lower surface.
Here you will find remarkably friendly grouper, testament to the positive effect the reserve has had on fish numbers.
Henry Preserved Smith, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis in Lane Seminary, for a pamphlet published in 1891 denying the inerrancy but affirming the inspiration of the Scriptures, was suspended in 1892 by the presbytery of Cincinnati, and was unsuccessful in his appeal to the synod and to the General Assembly.
Law, The New Testament in Scots, being Purvey's Revision of Wycliffe's version turned into Scots by Murdoch Nisbet, c.
Where it is possible to make legitimate and unambiguous comparisons, the ethical and spiritual superiority of Old Testament thought has been convincingly demonstrated, and to the re-shaping and re-writing of the older history and the older traditions the Old Testament owes its permanent value.
Nor was it till late in the 18th century that criticism seriously challenged the dominance of the Protestant scholastic treatment of the Old Testament on the one hand, and the rough and ready, uncritical explanations or depreciations of the Rationalists on the other.
The sepals and petals are free or more or less united, the stamens as many or twice as many as the petals; the carpels, usually free, are equal to the petals in number, and form in the fruit follicles with two or more seeds.
Thus the Apocrypha Proper constitutes the surplusage of the Vulgate or Bible of the Roman Church over the Hebrew Old Testament.
The Apostolic miracles, to which the New Testament bears evidence, were wrought in the power of Christ, and were evidences to His church and to the world of His continued presence.
In addition to the Old Testament the Therapeutae had books by the founders of their sect on the allegorical method of interpreting Scripture.
reproductive structure, bloom, anther, blossom, gynostegium, flower,
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