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stamens Meaning in Tamil ( stamens வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மகரந்தக் கேசரம்,

stamens தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவற்றில் "pin" வகைத் தாவரத்தில், சூலகத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறும் சூல்தண்டு என்னும் நீண்ட பகுதி அல்லிவட்டத்திற்கு வெளியாக நீண்டு, அதன் நுனியில் உள்ள குறி/சூலகமுடிப் பகுதி வெளியே தெரியுமாறும், மகரந்தக் கேசரம் அல்லிவட்டக் குழாயின் உள்ளேயே பாதித் தூரத்தில் மறைந்த நிலையிலும் காணப்படும்.

stamens's Usage Examples:

A typical male flower consists of a central axis bearing numerous spirally-arranged sporophylls (stamens), each of which consists of a slender stalk (filament) terminating distally in a more or less prominent knob or triangular scale, and bearing two or more pollen-sacs (microsporangia) on its lower surface.

The sepals and petals are free or more or less united, the stamens as many or twice as many as the petals; the carpels, usually free, are equal to the petals in number, and form in the fruit follicles with two or more seeds.

The five stamens alternate in position with the lobes of the corolla.

When there is only one whorl the stamens are usually equal in number to the sepals or petals, and are arranged opposite to the former, and alternate with the latter.

In double flowers transformations of the stamens and pistils take place, so that they appear as petals.

The petals are generally white or yellow, more rarely lilac or some other colour, and between the bases of the stamens are honey-glands.

There is no satisfactory explanation of this break in the regular alternation of successive whorls; the outer whorl' of stamens arises in course of development before the inner, so that there is no question of subsequent displacement.

- Two stamens of Pansy (Viola tricolor), with their two anther-lobes and the connectives (p) extending beyond them.

55), or on the stamens of Rutaceae.

An interesting case has been figured by Masters, in which scales of a cone of Cupressus Lawsoniana bear ovules on the upper surface and stamens on the lower face.

an outer whorl of five opposite the petals alternates with an inner whorl of five opposite the sepals; at the base of each of the antisepalous stamens is a honey-gland.


reproductive structure, bloom, anther, blossom, gynostegium, flower,


ill health,

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