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spectre Meaning in Tamil ( spectre வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மாயத் தோற்றம், ஆவித் தோற்றம்,

spectre தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆபிரகாமிய சமயங்கள் மயக்கமோ குழப்பமோ இல்லாத தெளிவான சூழலில் நமது புலன்கள் நம்மை ஏமாற்றுவது மாய உணர்ச்சி அல்லது மாயத் தோற்றம் அல்லது தோற்ற மயக்கம் (Illusion) எனப்படுகிறது.

மாயம் - மாயத் தோற்றம், சூழ்ச்சி.

உலகம் ஒரு மாயத் தோற்றம்.

எனவே நடுவில் அமைந்திருந்த சிறிய சதுரம் காணாமல் போய்விட்ட மாதிரி ஒரு மாயத் தோற்றம் ஏற்படுகிறது.

கர்ட்டு, தனது தியரி ஆஃப் கலர்ஸ் என்ற புத்தகத்திலும் ஸ்கோப்பன்னர் (Schopenhauer) தனது ஆன் விஷன் அண்ட் கலர்ஸ் (On Vision and Colors) என்ற புத்தகத்திலும், "ஸ்பெக்ட்ரம்" [Spektrum] என்ற சொல்லை ஒளியியல் ரீதியாக ஏற்படும் ஒரு மாயத் தோற்றம் போன்ற ஒளியியல் நிலைப்பை குறிக்கவே பயன்படுத்தினர்.

spectre's Usage Examples:

In Lancashire the spectre-hound is called Trash or Striker.

In the first class we have halos, and coronae, or "glories," which encircle the luminary; the second class includes rainbows, fog-bows, mist-halos, anthelia and mountainspectres, whose centres are at the anti-solar point.

As wife of Pluto, she sent spectres, ruled the ghosts, and carried into effect the curses of men.

Austria, too, now that the revolutionary spectres of 1830 had been laid, was reverting to her traditional opposition to Russia in the affairs of the Near East, and Metternich supported Palmerston's proposal of an international conference at Vienna.

At his side were his accomplices, men ready for anything, whose only hopes were bound up with his fortunes, such as Morny and Rouher; his paid publicists, such as Romieu the originator of the "red spectre"; his cudgel-bearers, the "Ratapoils" immortalized by Daumier, who terrorized the republicans.

"Dante refers to the shadowless spectre of Virgil, and the folklore of many European countries affords examples of the prevalence of the superstition that a man must be as careful of his shadow as of his body.

"At his side were his accomplices, men ready for anything, whose only hopes were bound up with his fortunes, such as Morny and Rouher; his paid publicists, such as Romieu the originator of the "red spectre"; his cudgel-bearers, the "Ratapoils" immortalized by Daumier, who terrorized the republicans.

Famished persons are liable to morbid excite ment, and fall into imaginative ecstasies, in the course of which they see visions and spectres, converse with gods and angels, and are the recipients of supernatural revelations.

"The chromatic rings seen encircling the "spectre of the Brocken" are similarly explained.

Friendship and alliance with Catholic Austria and powerful Germany could alone lay this spectre.

Each pope, confronted by the spectre of Ne p otism.

escape is possible from the spectre of materialism, theoretical and practical; and so, says Schopenhauer, "the just and good must all have this creed: I believe in a metaphysic.


phantasm, fantasm, phantasma, ghost, shadow, specter, spook, wraith, phantom, apparition, shade,


happiness, dull, stay in place, absence, precede,

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