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sisal Meaning in Tamil ( sisal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தாழையின நாரிழை

sisal's Usage Examples:

The exports include gold, silver, copper, coffee, henequen or sisal, ixtle and other fibres, cabinet woods, chicle, rubber and other forest products, hides and skins, chickpeas, tobacco and sugar.

The exports, chiefly to the United States, include salt, sponges and sisal hemp.

elongata which produces the " henequen " fibre, or sisal hemp, of Yucatan, silk or tree-cotton (Ceiba casearia), sugar-cane, cotton (Gossypium), indigo and " canaigre " (Rumex hymenosepalus) whose root contains a large percentage of tannin.

The chief exports are sisal fibre, rubber, hides and skins, wax, ivory, copra, coffee, ground-nuts and cotton.

The Macaris, like the ancient Mayan cities and abandoned sisal haciendas, seemed forever lost.

decipiens, false sisal hemp; A.

dermatosisal nature of the subject will allow discussion of some of the less common dermatoses around transparencies.

"elongata which produces the " henequen " fibre, or sisal hemp, of Yucatan, silk or tree-cotton (Ceiba casearia), sugar-cane, cotton (Gossypium), indigo and " canaigre " (Rumex hymenosepalus) whose root contains a large percentage of tannin.

Outflows of resinResinosisalro come under this general heading; but although some resin-fluxes are traced to the destructive action of Agaricus melleus in Conifers, others, as well as certain forms of Gummosis, are still in need of explanation.

elongata are cultivated, from which large quantities of " henequen " or " sisal," as the fibre is called, are exported.

To hang in the cage: the fun toy made of natural sisal arouses the bird's natural curiosity through its form and bells.

An excellent quality of sisal is grown.

The cordage works are among the largest in the world, and consume immense quantities of sisal fibre imported from Mexico and manila from the Philippine Islands; binder-twine for binding wheat is one of the principal products.


genus Agave, century plant, American aloe, agave, Agave sisalana,



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