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sentimentalism Meaning in Tamil ( sentimentalism வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உணர்ச்சிப் பாங்கு,

sentimentalism's Usage Examples:

But he does not follow his idea into the details of human duty, though he passes in review fatalism, mysticism, pantheism, scepticism, egotism, sentimentalism and rationalism.

Rousseau's Confessions was the favourite book of both (as it was of Emerson), but George Eliot was never converted by the high priest of sentimentalism into a belief in human perfectibility and a return to nature.

It is not a sloppy sentimentalism that smiles on everything.

"But he does not follow his idea into the details of human duty, though he passes in review fatalism, mysticism, pantheism, scepticism, egotism, sentimentalism and rationalism.

His "substitute for religion" is a doctrine in many points akin to Comte and Feuerbach, the former of whom he resembles in his sentimentalism.

The tawdry and exaggerated rhetoric; the petty vanity and jealousies; the weak sentimentalism; the utter incapacity for proportioning means to ends, and for grasping the stern realities of things, which so commonly disfigure the lives and conduct even of the more honest members of his class, were wholly alien to his nature.

In religion Rousseau was undoubtedly what he has been called above - a sentimental deist; but no one who reads him with the smallest attention can fail to see that sentimentalism was the essence, deism the accident of his creed.

Severe English moralists like Johnson thought but ill of him, but the public generally was not unwilling to testify against French intolerance, and regarded his sentimentalism with favour.

But their attitude towards the "way out" (a-ycory7 1 7) of incurable discomforts is quite unlike the anxious sentimentalism with which Seneca dwells upon death.

He availed himself of the reviving interest in legitimism and Catholicism which was represented by Bonald and Joseph de Maistre, of the nature worship of Rousseau and Bernardin de Saint Pierre, of the sentimentalism of Madame de Stael, of the medievalism and the romance of Chateaubriand and Scott, of the maladie du siecle of Chateaubriand and Byron.

The fact is that amid the analysis of feelings aroused by the sentimentalism of Shaftesbury's school, the fundamental questions " What is right ?But their attitude towards the "way out" (a-ycory7 1 7) of incurable discomforts is quite unlike the anxious sentimentalism with which Seneca dwells upon death.

But he early taught his son to read, and seems to have laid the foundation of the flighty sentimentalism in morals and politics which Rousseau afterwards illustrated with his genius.


soupiness, drippiness, mawkishness, sloppiness, mushiness, sentimentality,


carefulness, conscientiousness, attentiveness, hardness, unemotionality,

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