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sentinel Meaning in Tamil ( sentinel வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


காவற்காரன், காவலாளி,

sentinel தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

விரைவிலே வேட்டையை முடித்துத் திரும்பிய சிவபெருமானை வாயிலில் இருந்த காவற்காரன் உள்ளே செல்ல அனுமதிக்கவில்லை .

ஈகோ என்பது 'இட் 'டின் நடவடிக்கைகளைக் கண்காணிக்கும் ஒரு காவற்காரன் ஆகும்.

ஒரு சமயம் சிவபெருமான் வேட்டையாடச் சென்றிருந்த போது பார்வதி தேவியார் நீராட நினைத்து வாயிலிற் காவற்காரன் ஒருவனைத்  தாமே சிருஷ்டித்துக் காவலுக்குக் கமர்த்தி வைத்து நீராட சென்றார் .

ஆர்திரசுக்கு உதவுவதற்காக அசுரனுடைய காவற்காரன் ஓடி வந்தான்.

sentinel's Usage Examples:

They looked like two seated sentinels guarding the castle gate.

The herd never feeds without having a sentinel posted on some prominence to give notice of the approach of danger; which is done by stamping on the ground with the forefeet, and uttering a shrill whistling note, thus putting the entire herd on the alert.

In front of a landowner's house to the left of the road stood carriages, wagons, and crowds of orderlies and sentinels.

There he was stopped by French cavalry sentinels.

They rode through the village of Rykonty, past tethered French hussar horses, past sentinels and men who saluted their colonel and stared with curiosity at a Russian uniform, and came out at the other end of the village.

Something stood sentinel within her and forbade her every joy.

In another side street a sentinel standing beside a green caisson shouted at him, but only when the shout was threateningly repeated and he heard the click of the man's musket as he raised it did Pierre understand that he had to pass on the other side of the street.

There are no longer sentinels sounding the alarm with their abdomens raised, and ready to die in defense of the hive.

This awful abyss is bridged by a rope, and guarded by seal sentinels.

Hardly a man takes a half-hour's nap after dinner, but when he wakes he holds up his head and asks, "What's the news?" as if the rest of mankind had stood his sentinels.

RWDateTime currently provides four internal, pre-defined sentinels and can accommodate up to 128 user-defined sentinels.

Thirty-one patients had a sentinel lymph node positive for melanoma metastasis.

And without waiting for an answer from the sentinel, who had stepped aside, Dolokhov rode up the incline at a walk.


picket, scout, lookout man, watcher, watchman, watch, lookout, spotter, security guard, sentry,


unfasten, employer,

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