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scandalous Meaning in Tamil ( scandalous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மானக் கேடான, இகழ்ச்சியுள்ள,

scandalous's Usage Examples:

But he reluctantly, and most unwisely, allowed himself to be entangled in the scandalous family quarrel between Frederick, prince of Wales, and his parents.

Another was the fashion for the king to hold wassail with his courtiers, in which he unbent to an extent scandalous to the Greeks, dancing or indulging in routs and practical jokes.

Ranging from classically retro tuxedos and ballroom gowns to scandalously revealing sequin-covered bodysuits, the costumes are designed to draw the judges' attention to the individual performers amidst the crowd of the dance floor.

His conversation was still interesting, especially when it turned upon his recollections, and though his judgments were sometimes severe enough, he never condescended to the scandalous.

From the 12th and 13th centuries onward there is observable in the different countries of Europe a widespread reaction against the growing formalism and worldliness of the Church and the scandalous lives of many of the clergy.

In the provinces the local administration and the methods of dispensing justice were still scandalously unsatisfactory, and this was the field to which the British representative next directed his efforts.

Three other volumes followed in 1894, 1895 and 1897, each displaying to further advantage the versatility and sensuous splendour of Frdding's talent, as well as its somewhat scandalous recklessness.

magistrate," and accusing the three defaulting contributors of a scandalous falling away from righteousness and a high mind.

As a temporal ruler John was devoid of the vigour and firmness of his father, and his union of the papal office - which through his scandalous private life he made a byword of reproach - with his civil dignities proved a source of weakness rather than of strength.

The coronation of a woman was in the eyes of the Russian people a scandalous innovation, and the proposed coronation was doubly scandalous in view of the base and disreputable origin of Catherine herself.

So scandalous became the popular revels associated with it, that the celebration was prohibited by the church in the 15th century.

Defoe's Review (1704-1713) dealt chiefly with politics and commerce, but the introduction in it of what its editor fittingly termed the "scandalous club " was another step nearer the papers of Steele and the periodical essayists, the first attempts to create an organized popular opinion in matters of taste and manners.


immoral, disgraceful, shocking, shameful,


immorality, chaste, unsensational, honorable, moral,

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