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scandals Meaning in Tamil ( scandals வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



scandals's Usage Examples:

The origin of most of the abuses which vitiate Sicilian political life, and of the frequent scandals in the representative local administrations, is to be found in the straitened condition of the Sicilian middle classes.

On the 11th of May 1893 he denounced the treaty of Uccialli, but the Giolitti cabillet, absorbed by the bank scandals, paid no heed to his action.

A long series of scandals resulted.

It is not necessary to relate the scandals of Marozias and Theodoras female reign, the infamies of John XII.

Prosecuted in connexion with the Panama scandals, he was acquitted in 1893.

Apart from the lack of scruple manifested by Giolitti in the bank scandals, he exhibited incompetence in the conduct of foreign and home affairs.

When the cortes met, on the 29th of September, the opposition accused King Carlos of complicity in grave financial scandals.

A suspicious celebrity death, high profile divorce, or when someone commits a serious crime - these are the big celeb scandals that have a long back story, and the mysteries unfold as the days pass by.


gossip, comment, malicious gossip, dirt, scuttlebutt,


disembarrassment, calm, praise, improved, cleanness,

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