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savages Meaning in Tamil ( savages வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பண்பாடற்ற நலை,

savages தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


savages's Usage Examples:

Dreams are sometimes explained by savages as journeys performed by the sleeper, sometimes as visits paid by other persons, by animals or objects to him; hallucinations, possibly more frequent in the lower stages of culture, must have contributed to fortify this interpretation, and the animistic theory in general.

Hitherto the Spaniards had met only the weak islanders, or the more robust cannibal Caribs, both alike pure savages.

So much for the Indian cosmogonic myths, which are a collection of ideas familiar to savages, blended with sacerdotal theories and ritual mummeries.

In the latter case he is perhaps unconsciously moved to put burlesque versions of Biblical stories into the mouths of his native informants, or to represent the savages as ridiculing the Scriptural traditions which he communicates to them.

From time immemorial thera- savages have been accustomed to eat the hearts of lions and other wild animals, under the belief that they will thereby obtain courage and strength like that of the animal from which the heart had been taken, but in 1889 BrownSequard proposed to use testicular juice as a general tonic and stimulant.

Our answer is that everything in the civilized mythologies which we regard as irrational seems only part of the accepted and rational order of things (at least in the case of " medicine-men " or magicians) to contemporary savages, and in the past seemed equally rational and natural to savages concerning whom we have historical information.

This is also, perhaps, the proper place to observe that names derived from natural phenomena - sky, clouds, dawn and sun - are habitually assigned by Brazilians, Ojibways, Australians and other savages to living men and women.

ignorant savages butting in.

"In the forests and mountains dwell tribes of savages, chiefly of Indonesian origin, classed by the Annamese under the name Mois or " savages.

All the world, including savages who cannot count beyond five, daily "apply" theorems of number.

The cosmogonic myths of the Aryans of India are peculiarly interesting, as we find in the Vedas and Brahmanas and Puranas almost every fiction familiar to savages side by side with the most abstract metaphysical speculations.

Eastward, many of the tribes are barbarous savages.


inhumane, barbarous, fell, roughshod, cruel, brutal, vicious,


right, female, male, sound, humane,

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