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saucer Meaning in Tamil ( saucer வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கோப்பை வைக்கும் சிறு தட்டு,

saucer's Usage Examples:

Only a few flying saucer advocates spoke from the fringes with a positive slant.

2) consists of a receptacle varying in form from that of a shallow saucer to that of a long cylindrical or trumpet-shaped tube, thin or fleshy in consistence, and giving off from its upper border the five sepals, the five petals (rarely these latter are absent), and the threads or membranous processes constituting the "corona.

Hence we may suppose that a condition has been attained in which the denser salt water below and around the saucer CC (greatly exaggerated in vertical scale) balances the less dense, but deeper Salb Water v sand,.

I remembered the flying saucer analogy.

The fore-legs of many male dyticids have the three proximal foot-segments broad and saucer-shaped, and covered with suckers, by means of which they secure a firm hold of their mates.

The external form of the Hydromedusae varies from that of a deep bell or thimble, characteristic of the Anthomedusae, to the shallow saucer-like form characteristic of the Leptomedusae.

You know, Howie, I've given some thought to your flying saucer analogy.

She handed Deidre the teacup and saucer.

The spores should be thinly sprinkled on the surface of the soil in well-drained pots, which should stand in saucers filled with water and be covered with glass plates.

"When Cade came into the kitchen she placed a cup of hot chocolate and a saucer of cinnamon toast before him.

Enable the "Bulletproof Crypto" "Ammo-A-Plenty" codes while on your saucer.

But how will they get to the nice little caff on the second floor?caff anoraks, the very same elegant patterned cup n ' saucer sets used by the mighty Alpino in Islington.


intervertebral disk, intervertebral disc, disk, dot, disc, round shape, point,


sightless, sophisticated, eyeless,

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