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satirized Meaning in Tamil ( satirized வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமுதாயத்தைச் சீர்திருத்தத் தாக்கு,

satirized's Usage Examples:

In 1670 the owner was the celebrated Thomas Thynne satirized in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, and Bishop Ken found a home at Longleat for twenty years after the loss of his bishopric.

Though satirized in a famous line (Juv.

During the i 7th century the inhabitants of Banbury seem to have been zealous Puritans, and are frequently satirized by contemporary dramatists.

And how is this impersonality or absoluteness of the conditions of knowledge to be established ?Thus scepticism and relativism are superseded by a historical philosophy, and the absoluteness of truth is affirmed, but the notion of a definite truth is at the same time both negated and satirized.

His most famous play was the Fishes, in which he satirized the fondness of the Athenian epicures for fish.

Thus scepticism and relativism are superseded by a historical philosophy, and the absoluteness of truth is affirmed, but the notion of a definite truth is at the same time both negated and satirized.

It is said that Rabelais met and quarrelled with Joachim du Bellay the poet at Rome, and with Ronsard at Meudon and elsewhere, that this caused a breach between him and the Pleiade, that he satirized its classicizing tendencies in the episode of the Limousin scholar, and that Ronsard after his death avenged himself by a libellous epitaph.

The clergy were satirized and denounced in popular pamphlets and songs.

His Ecclesiastical Characteristics (1753), Serious Apology (1764), and History of a Corporation of Servants discovered a few years ago in the Interior Parts of South America (1765), attacked various abuses in the church and satirized the "moderate" party.

Eachard's own sermons, however, were not superior to those he satirized.

He had already lost Waterford owing to the prejudice against making the author of the Tale of a Tub a bishop, and he still had formidable antagonists in the archbishop of York, whom he had scandalized, and the duchess of Somerset, whom he had satirized.

Bion was essentially a popular writer, and in his Diatribae he satirized the follies of mankind in a manner calculated to appeal to the sympathies of a low-class audience.

Sappho wrote an ode, in which she severely satirized and rebuked him.


make fun, laugh at, roast, blackguard, guy, poke fun, rib, satirise, ridicule, jest at, lampoon,


raw, woman,

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