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roundles Meaning in Tamil ( roundles வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



roundles's Usage Examples:

, though groundlessly called Dimensions in English feet.

"Theodoret groundlessly accuses them of Manichean tendencies.

Balashev began to feel uncomfortable: as envoy he feared to demean his dignity and felt the necessity of replying; but, as a man, he shrank before the transport of groundless wrath that had evidently seized Napoleon.

Theodoret groundlessly accuses them of Manichean tendencies.

The visit was marked by the greatest cordiality, Count Robilants fears of inopportune pressure with regard to Irredentism proving groundless.

In laying the foundations of a science of ancient chronology he relied sometimes upon groundless, sometimes even upon absurd hypotheses, frequently upon an imperfect induction of facts.

On her return her position was undermined by the jealousy of Pulcheria and the groundless suspicion of an intrigue with her protégé Paulinus, the master of the offices.

He betook himself to Jonathan, who thought his suspicions groundless, but undertook to test them.

His conduct at the battle of the Alma occasioned imputations upon his personal courage, but they seem to have been entirely groundless.

But, still clinging to the groundless belief, for which British statesmen had, of late at least, afforded Turkey no justification, that Great Britain at all events would support him, he obstinately refused to give ear to the pressing requests of the Powers that the necessary reforms should be instituted.

The science, falsely so called, of the several theological schools, their groundless distinctions and sophistical demonstrations, he regarded as the great source of heresy and scepticism.

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