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rococo Meaning in Tamil ( rococo வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


rococo தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

* பரோக், மற்றும் ரோகோகோ.

ரோகோகோ கல்யாண கேக் பாணியில் கட்டப்பட்ட இந்த நீர்விழ்ச்சி 1927 ஆம் ஆண்டு கேடி பக்கிங்ஹாமின் கேடி ஸ்டர்ஜெஸ் என்பவர் சிகாகோ நகரத்திற்கு பரிசாக தந்தார்.

பிரெஞ்சு கலைஞரான ஜீன்-ஹானோர் ஃபிராகனார்ட்டின் ரோகோகோ ஓவியங்கள், குறிப்பாக தி ஸ்விங், படத்தின் கலை பாணிக்கான குறிப்புகளாகப் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டன, இந்த பாணியை கீன் "காதல் மற்றும் பசுமையானது" என்று விவரித்தார்.

* Mannerism, பரோக், மற்றும் ரோகோகோ.

rococo's Usage Examples:

Rococo >>The Joanneum Museum, founded in 1811 by the archduke John Baptist, has become very rich in many departments, and an additional huge building in the rococo style was erected in 1895 for its accommodation.

The present building, in florid rococo style, dates from 1744-1767.

In his treatment of subject, Guerin attempted to realize rococo graces of conception, the liveliness of which was lost in the strenuous effort to be correct.

Linz possesses two cathedrals, one built in1669-1682in rococo style, and another in early Gothic style, begun in 1862.

From the 1740s onwards the informal asymmetric style of French rococo was translated into flock.

Through frosted rococo cartouches she sings about the virtues of true love accompanied by miniature animated sequences.

The cathedral, dedicated to San Cataldo, an Irish bishop, dating from the 11th century, has externally some remains of Saracenic Gothic; internally it has been completely modernized, and the shrine of the patron saint has been termed "an orgy of rococo.

The Grill Room is lavishly decorated with mirrors held up by caryatids and ceilings covered in rococo curlicues.

The Zwinger, begun in 1711, and built in the rococo style, forms an enclosure, within which is a statue of King Frederick Augustus I.

He forsook the base and rococo forms he found rooted in Germany, and, reverting to the best historic examples, fashioned a purer Renaissance.

Chiaveri, in rococo style, with a tower 300 ft.

beautify the city Peter even had its abattoir rebuilt in the rococo style.

Of the eleven churches, the most interesting is the cathedral of St Stephen, a florid, rococo edifice.


artistic style, idiom,


unrhetorical, unadorned, Romanticism,

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