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roded Meaning in Tamil ( roded வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குதிரைச்சவாரி செய், மிதிவண்டி ஓட்டு,

roded தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அது பட்டவர் மறைவாகச் சொன்ன பூவின் பெயராக இல்லாவிட்டால் சொன்னவர் சிறிது தூரம் பட்டவர்மீது குதிரைச்சவாரி செய்யலாம்.

roded's Usage Examples:

In the Isle of Eigg, for example, the basalts had already been deeply eroded by river-action and into the river-course a current of glassy lava (pitch-stone) flowed.

In this part of its course the Euphrates runs through an open, treeless and sparsely peopled country, in a valley a few miles wide, which it has eroded in the rocky surface.

corroded iron and bronze objects, and a single strip of leather.

Exposed to atmospheric influences it is more or less rapidly corroded, giving the familiar rust.

Excessively corroded metal, or metal treated with filler, emits a duller sound than does unaffected metal.

The surface of Minas Geraes is broken by mountain ranges and deeply eroded rivercourses, the latter forming fertile valleys shut in by partly barren uplands, or campos.

corroded due to bronze disease.

The " bluffs " (remnants of an eroded plain formed of alluvion deposits over an old, mature and drowned topography) run through the second tier of parishes W.

corner of Arizona is a region of greatly eroded ranges and gentle aggraded valleys.

That those to the westward have long been inactive is shown by the destruction of craters by denudation, by deep ravines, valleys and tall cliffs eroded on the mountain sides, especially on the windward side, by the depth of soil formed from the disintegrated rocks, and by the amount as well as variety of vegetable life.

of the Neosho rivers are deeply carved by small streams, and in the western portion of this area, where the formation consists of alternating shales and sandstones, the easily eroded rocks have been carved into canyons, buttes and mesas.

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