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rimus Meaning in Tamil ( rimus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


rimus's Usage Examples:

The president or moderator of each church court was Primus inter pares.

Del Cano was received with great distinction by the emperor, who granted him a globe for his crest, and the motto Primus circumdedisti me.

Trimus didn't correct the cleric, his mind was still mulling over the reason for this lair being here.

The kingdom of Jerusalem consisted of a society of peers, in which the king might be Primus, but in which he was none the less subject to a punctilious law, regulating his position equally with that of every member of the society.

It was said that the terms of resignation had actually been agreed upon with Primus, one of Vespasian's chief supporters, but the praetorians refused to allow him to carry out the agreement, and forced him to return to the palace, when he was on his way to deposit the insignia of empire in the temple of Concord.

The moderator has no special power or supremacy over his brethren, but is honoured and obeyed as Primus inter pares.

the king of Prussia, though he now took the title of German emperor, was only primus inter pares; he was president of the confederation, but had no suzerainty over the other princes.

The title is German emperor, not emperor of Germany, being intended to show that the Kaiser is but primus inter pares in a confederation o.

A " primus " was to be chosen indifferently from the bishops, but to have no other powers than those of convoking and presiding over synods.

Trimus stood agog for a moment, his mouth sagging open.

The dragon brought his head very close to Trimus ' till the young mage 's eyes were watering from the wyrm's sulfurous breath.

He then cast second spell releasing Trimus from the charm that had kept him from attacking the mage.

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