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rind Meaning in Tamil ( rind வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



rind's Usage Examples:

pyriferum), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), jack (Artocarpus integrifolia), custard-apple (Anona squamosa), papaw (Carica Papaya), shaddock (Citrus decumana), and several varieties of fig, melon, orange, lime and citron.

The largest class are the unilocular, or simple, external galls, divided by Lacaze-Duthiers into those with and those without a superficial protective layer or rind, and composed of hard, or spongy, or cellular tissue.

We've all been keeping our noses too close to the grindstone.

forego sending their girls to school, perpetuating the grinding cycle of illiteracy and poverty.

querns once used for grinding grain have been found recently.

Once we got the cylinder going down the studs we found the casings required some grinding to allow the piston down!axle casings rust appears through the paint.

She thought she heard him grind his teeth and frowned.

As it was, although Parker said that Grindal "was not resolute and severe enough for the government of London," his attempts to enforce the use of the surplice evoked angry protests, especially in 1565, when considerable numbers of the nonconformists were suspended; and Grindal of his own motion denounced Cartwright to the Council in 1570.

In 1752 its capital was situated on the right bank of the Guapore river and was named Villa Bella da Santissima Trindade de Matto Grosso, but in 1820 the seat of government was removed to Cuyaba and Villa Bella has fallen into decay.

After much experiment he selected an alloy of tin and copper as the most suitable material for his specula, and he devised means for grinding and polishing them.

The god Herindal and Loki once fought a battle in the shapes of seals.

Here Krishna and his brother Balarama fed their cattle upon the plain; and numerous relics of antiquity in the towns of Muttra, Gobardhan, Gokul, Mahaban and Brindaban still attest the sanctity with which this holy tract was invested.

in diameter, with a thick minutely tuberculate rind, the inner lining of which is sweet, and a watery acidulous pulp.


cheese rind, bacon rind, material, peel, stuff, skin,


pull, unclog, unstuff, insulator, conductor,

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