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rhinal Meaning in Tamil ( rhinal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நாசித்துளை சார்ந்த

rhinal's Usage Examples:

they are typically nidifugous; the simple structure of their neossoptiles; quintocubital; compound rhamphotheca; holorhinal nares imperviae; basipterygoid processes; simple articular facet of the quadrate; configuration of the palatal bones, including the large vomer; incisura ischiadica; simple hypotarsus; the thigh muscles; the copulatory organ.

Nares imperviae, holorhinal.

2) where the anterior margin of the nasal is concave, and schizorhinal where this posterior border of the outer nares is continued backwards into a slit which extends beyond the frontal processes of the premaxilla.




low, vowel,

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