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respectability Meaning in Tamil ( respectability வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கண்ணியமுடைமை, மதிப்புடைமை,

respectability's Usage Examples:

Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.

mantel of respectability.

This would also lend further respectability to the grades.

In fact, adherence to the traditional ceremonial and respectability of occupation go very much hand-in-hand.

The great charade is imperialism's return journey to respectability.

These girls may not play instruments but they have worked hard, touring to gain respectability and a loyal fan base.

cloak of respectability and the protection of citizens.

He was attracted to it by his hatred of moderation and what he called "respectability" in any shape - a characteristic of which some amusing instances have been handed down.

These look-alikes that originally carried names like Camelot or South Pacific were at first scorned by Parkside's gentry but had slowly gained a level of respectability.

The term is used in Bombay, Madras and Bengal to denote a considerable number of castes of moderate respectability, the higher of whom are considered ` clean ' Sudras, while the precise status of the lower is a question which lends itself to endless controversy.

There is something especially fitting about a tie on a swing dance costume - it implies respectability and control, and when combined with the wild abandon of swing dance, it becomes a measure of both chaos and class.

It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.

Thus the story of the legists shrinks down to the regular myth of the primitive legislator, used to give an air of respectability to law-books, which really record an unwritten custom.


honourableness, reputability, decency, honorableness,


dishonorable, honorable, dishonorableness, disreputability, unrespectability,

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