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remembrance Meaning in Tamil ( remembrance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஞாபகத்தில் வைத்தல், நினைவு,

remembrance தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பல்வேறு இலக்கங்களை கொண்ட எண்ணை ஞாபகப்படுத்துவதிலும் பார்க்க ஒரு சொல்லை அல்லது வசனத்தை ஞாபகத்தில் வைத்தல் சுலபம்.

கேட்டுக் கேட்டு ஞாபகத்தில் வைத்தல்.

remembrance's Usage Examples:

His chief claim to remembrance is that it was he who first put Schiller's earlier dramas on the stage, and it is to him that the poet's Briefe an den Freiherrn von Dalberg (Karlsruhe, 1819) are addressed.

How has the nature of the ways in which various peoples have scripted their remembrances of theses pasts changed over time?remembrances of theses pasts changed over time?Nor did this increased tillage interfere with the increase of live stock, as the green crops of the alternate husbandry more than compensated for the diminished pasturage.

reductive approach, which was too confident in finding singular interpretations for each phase of Titanic remembrance.

(6) But, since the divine injunction had been" Do this in remembrance of me,"the sacrifice was immediately followed by a commemoration of the passion of Christ, and that again by an invocation of the Holy Spirit (epiclesis) that He would make the bread and wine to become the body and blood of Christ.

"The gay remembrance of a life well spent.

A few fragmentary passages remain, of which it will be sufficient to cite a word or two to call them to remembrance.

A headstone will be a memorial to a loved one for many years to come and with a little planning, will be a long lasting tribute and place of remembrance.

(1815-1888), became a master of the Supreme Court (1846) and queen's remembrancer (1874); his eldest son, Sir Frederick Pollock, 3rd Bart.

The dream was drifting away from conscious memory, into that pit of forgotten remembrances that somewhere dwells in our deepest subconscious.

For some years Natal had watched with anxiety the attitude of increasing hostility towards the British adopted by the Pretoria administration, and, with bitter remembrance of the events of 1881, gauged with accuracy the intentions of the Boers.

Peter Bayle is severe on certain historical inaccuracies of Davila, and it is true that Davila must be read with due remembrance of the fact that he was not only a Catholic but the especial protege of Catherine de' Medici, but it is not to be forgotten that Bayle was as strongly Protestant.

"In his will he desired to be buried without any state and without a monument, "but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only, Vermis sum, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard in this world and unworthy of any remembrance that hath been so great a sinner.


retentiveness, memory, retentivity, anamnesis, retention, recollection,


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