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remiges Meaning in Tamil ( remiges வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



remiges தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


remiges's Usage Examples:

Six or seven remiges were attached to the hand, ten to the ulna.

"An incurable, terminal disease?With eleven remiges, of which the terminal very short.

With eleven remiges, of which the terminal very short.

With ten functional remiges.

The remiges and rectrices indicate perfect feathers, with shaft and complete vanes which were so neatly finished that they must have possessed typical radii and hooklets.

Ten remiges and ten rectrices.

QUILL, a term applied to the bare, hard, hollow tube of the feather of a bird, also to the large flight feathers or remiges, and especially to the strong feathers of the goose, swan, or crow used in the making of quill pens (see Feather and PEN).

roseus or antiquorum, white, with a rosy tinge above, and with scarlet wing-coverts, while the remiges are black (as in all species), ranges from the Cape Verde Islands to India and Ceylon, north as far as Lake Baikal; southwards through Africa and Madagascar, eventually as P.

Well-developed remiges.

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