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remains Meaning in Tamil ( remains வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மீந்த பகுதி,

remains தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நான்காம் நூற்றாண்டளவில், காக்கேசியப் பகுதிக்குள் வந்த பல்கர் (Bulgar) என்னும் பழங்குடியினரின் மீந்த பகுதியினராக இருக்கக்கூடும் எனச் சிலர் கருதுகின்றனர்.

remains's Usage Examples:

At all events the lion remains with the lioness while the cubs are young and helpless, and assists in providing her and them with food, and in educating them in the art of providing for themselves.

On the high ground to the west lie ruins of the Cistercian abbey of Merevale, founded in 1149; they include the gatehouse chapel, part of the refectory and other remains exhibiting beautiful details of the 14th century.

Of the original Pictish inhabitants remains exist in the form of stone circles (three in Unst and two in Fetlar) and brochs (of which 75 examples survive).

Ideally, the fragrance should be rechecked after six months to make sure that the scent remains strong and true.

To the E of the northern henge is a group of three barrows covering burials of cremated remains 3.

There remains some debate about which level indicates deficiency, but generally, less than 15 nanograms per milliliter, abbreviated as ng/mL, are considered a sign of deficiency.

In ancient times the upper valleys of Adige and its tributaries were inhabited by Raetian tribes and included in the province of Raetia; and the line of demarcation between that province and Italy was purely arbitrary, as it remains to this day.

12 presents a sectional view of a reeling apparatus as used in Italy, and shows the passage of the thread from the basin to the reel, the threads being twisted around by the tavelette to give roundness to the thread, but though the principle remains much the same, great improvements have been made on this model.

high, the remains of a mosque dating from the Turkish occupation, other Roman Catholic churches, and an imposing Greek church.

"We owe to his pen curious remarks on English and Swiss customs, valuable notes on the remains of antique art in Rome, and a singularly striking portrait of Jerome of Prague as he appeared before the judges who condemned him to the stake.

In the south of the Sinaitic peninsula, remains have been found of an elaborate half-Egyptian, half-Semitic cultus (Petrie, Researches in Sinai, xiii.

In the castle grounds are the remains of the ancient chapel of St John.

"Some of these are doubtless such as no botanist, with adequate material for forming an opinion, would accept; but, after making the necessary deductions for actual mistakes and misstatements, there still remains a large number upon which legitimate differences of opinion prevail.


fossil, archeological remains, object, physical object,


hardness, thickness, softness, solidity, breakableness,

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