<< remained remains >>

remaining Meaning in Tamil ( remaining வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



remaining தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


remaining's Usage Examples:

Burney estimated it at 17,000 volumes; after Martini's death a portion of it passed to the Imperial library at Vienna, the rest remaining in Bologna, now in the Liceo Rossini.

Ursus in 370-390, which had a nave and four aisles, was destroyed in 1734-44, only the (inaccessible) crypt and the round campanile remaining from the earlier structure; there are fragments of reliefs from a pulpit erected by Archbishop Agnellus (556-569) in the interior.

After her death, much against the advice of his remaining son arrd heir, Carlino (afterwards Charles Emmanuel III.

When 90% of the phenol has distilled over, the residue is dissolved and hydrochloric acid added, any phenol remaining is blown over in a current of steam, and the salicylic acid finally precipitated by hydrochloric acid.

~-,In other cases this growing-point becomes active at once, there being little or no elongation of the hypocotyl and tbe cotyledon or cotyledons remaining in the seed.

However, it ejects the remaining pulp through an ejector located on the side of the unit.

When two blocks of ice are placed loosely together so that the superfluous water which melts from them may drain away, the remaining water draws the blocks together with a force sufficient to cause the blocks to adhere by the process called Regelation.

'The suberized and cuticularized cell-walls appear to contain a fatty body called suberin, and such cell-walls can be stained red by a solution of alcanin, the lignified and cellulose membranes remaining unstained.

This would have initially the difficult task of debouching from the narrow front of the Morava valley, while the sole remaining unit of the II.

using crosscut saw, cut through the remaining vertical (mullion) and horizontal (transom) frame members and remove.

Here we form up in the Palace Courtyard and the first sentries take over from the remaining Old Guard.


unexhausted, unexpended, left, odd, leftover, left over,


usual, even, matched, familiar, exhausted,

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