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relativist Meaning in Tamil ( relativist வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

சார்பியல் வாதி

relativist's Usage Examples:

ephemeris time has been superseded by relativistic timescales for current purposes, but for historical purposes the concept of ephemeris time is still valid.

Survey of a modeling hierarchy, from relativistic quantum mechanics to fluid dynamics.

dispersive waves, relativistic covariance of electromagnetism and complex analysis.

massless relativistic string with no transverse excitations.

In what way does ethical subjectivism positively incorporate a relativist position?Relativist mathematics, the criticism goes, by relinquishing absolutism amounts to ' anything goes ' .

Abstract Last year we proposed using staggered fermions as the light quarks, combined with nonrelativistic heavy quarks, in simulations of heavy-light mesons.

It is associated with relativistic electrons or cosmic ray electrons, so named because they travel at speeds comparable with that of light.

What kind of performance could be expected from such a virtually massless vehicle?massless relativistic string with no transverse excitations.

William Graham Sumner is a 19th century anthropologist who expressed relativist ideas and J L Mackie is a contemporary philosopher who opposed absolutism.

(2003) Bernstein modes in a weakly relativistic electron-positron plasma.

To appreciate the relativistic doctrines we find in various thinkers we must take account of the use to which they were put.

So far the relativist is on sure ground; but from this truth is developed the paradox that the tree has no objective existence at all and consists entirely of the conscious states of the perceiver.

Significant research experience in data analysis or relativistic astrophysics Good computing skills.

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