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quicklime Meaning in Tamil ( quicklime வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

விரைவு சுண்ணாம்பு

quicklime's Usage Examples:

If you are involved in a large project it is cheaper to make your own lime putty by slaking quicklime.

Heating limestone to a high temperature in a limekiln produces calcium oxide (quicklime, a strong alkali ).

Hime, after a close examination of the available evidence, concludes that what distinguished Greek fire from the other incendiaries of the period was the presence of quicklime, which was well known to give rise to a large development of heat when brought into contact with water.

In the case of poorer interments the destruction of the body was, on the contrary, often accelerated by the use of quicklime.

The quicklime should be placed in small heaps and covered with soil if possible until it is slacked and the lumps have fallen into powder, after which it may be spread and harrowed in.

"In the case of poorer interments the destruction of the body was, on the contrary, often accelerated by the use of quicklime.

Vegetable refuse of all kinds, when smother-burned in a similar way, becomes a valuable mechanical improver of the soil; but the preferable course is to decompose it in a heap with quicklime and layers of earth, converting it into leaf-mould.

slakeyou are involved in a large project it is cheaper to make your own lime putty by slaking quicklime.

Massee recommends that the shoots should be dredged with flowers of sulphur at intervals of ten days, while the disease continues to spread, a small quantity of quicklime in a finely powdered con FIG.

For stone, marble, and earthenware a strong cement, insoluble in water, can be made as follows: - skimmed-milk cheeseis boiled in water till of a gluey consistency, washed, kneaded well in cold water, and incorporated with quicklime; the composition is warmed for use.

The quicklime as quarried from the bluffs slakes perfectly, and with sand makes a fairly good mortar, without calcination or other previous preparation.

To ensure this being properly done, the lumps of lime should be broken up small, and enough water to slake them should be added, the lime then being allowed to rest for about forty-eight hours, when the water changes the particles of quicklime to hydrate of lime, and breaks up the hard lumps into a powder.


burnt lime, lime, fluxing lime, oxide, Ca, calcined lime, calcium oxide, atomic number 20, calx, unslaked lime, calcium,



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