<< quaternaries quaternary ammonium compound >>

quaternary Meaning in Tamil ( quaternary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


quaternary தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த பேரினமானது புதைபடிவ பதிவுகளின் படி கிரீத்தேசியக் காலம் முதல் குவாட்டர்னரி வரை அறியப்படுகிறது (வயது வரம்பு: 125.

வெப்பமண்டல கடக ரேகையின் மிக உயர்ந்த புள்ளியையும், அட்சரேகை வட்டத்தின் ஒரே புள்ளியையும் குவாட்டர்னரி பனிப்பாறைக்கு எந்த ஆதாரமும் இல்லாததில் யு சான் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது .

டோமாசனின் தி ஃபிப்த் சீசன், சி-லின், சில்வர் லேடர்ஸ், மற்றும் 7 பார் எய்ட், போசோக்கோவின் மாக்ரிட்டோமேனியா, டாம்ன்ட், மற்றும் ஸ்டடி இன் மோஷன், வீல்டனின் கான்டினூம் மற்றும் குவாட்டர்னரி, மற்றும் வெல்ச்சின் து து ஆகியவற்றில் இவர் பாத்திரங்களை ஏற்று நடனமாடினார்.

quaternary's Usage Examples:

They are ionized in aqueous solution to a much greater extent than ammonia, the quaternary ammonium bases being the most ionized, and the secondary bases being more strongly ionized than the primary or tertiary bases.

The tertiary arsines, such as As(CH3)3, trimethyl arsine, and the quaternary arsonium iodides and hydroxides, (CH3)4AsI and (CH3)4AsOH, tetramethyl arsonium iodide and hydroxide, have been obtained.

According to this theory the upper Niger, somewhat above where Timbuktu now stands, went north and north-west and emptied into the Juf, which in the beginning of the quaternary age was a salt-water lake, the remnant of an arm of the sea which in the tertiary age covered the northern Sudan and southern Sahara as far east as Bilma.

Examples of this are given in § 20; it is worthy of notice that the vigesimal (or, rather, quinary-quaternary) system was used by the Mayas of Yucatan, and also, in a more perfect form, by the Nahuatl (Aztecs) of Mexico.

Similarly the number which in the denary scale is 215 would in the quaternary scale (base 4) be 3113, being equal to 3.

NH 2; secondary, R2: NH; and tertiary, R3: N; the oxamines, R 3 N :0, are closely related to the tertiary ammonias, which also unite with a molecule of alkyl iodide to form salts of quaternary ammonium bases, e.

hiragana characters are positioned before katakana characters at the quaternary level, mimicking JIS sort order.

Hofmann is as follows: the mixture is distilled with caustic potash, when the primary, secondary and tertiary amines distil over, and the quaternary ammonium salt remains behind unaffected.

If the nitrogen atom in the quaternary ammonium salts be in combination with four different groups, then the molecule is asymmetrical, and the salt can be resolved into optically active enantiamorphous isomerides.

katakana characters at the quaternary level, mimicking JIS sort order.

By the action of ammonia on the alkyl iodides a complex mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines, along with a quaternary ammonium salt, is obtained, the separation of which is difficult.

For instance, those of a ternary form involve two classes which may be geometrically interpreted as point and line co-ordinates in a plane; those of a quaternary form involve three classes which may be geometrically interpreted as point, line and plane coordinates in space.


ordinal, fourth, 4th,


multiply, add, single,

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