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putrid Meaning in Tamil ( putrid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஊழலான, அழுகிய,

putrid தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஊழலானது அமெரிக்க ஒன்றியம் முழுவதுமுள்ள பல நிறுவங்களின் கணக்கியல் முறைகளை கேள்விக்குட்படுத்தியது.

 இந்த ஊழலானது மதுரை மாவட்ட முன்னாள் ஆட்சியராக இருந்த திரு.

putrid's Usage Examples:

It is important that no more should be supplied at a time than is necessary, as most animals rapidly foul their food, and except in a few special cases, wild animals are peculiarly liable to the evil results of stale or putrid substances.

Why is it that a bucket of water soon becomes putrid, but frozen remains sweet forever?" Beagle " found putrid musselshells still adhering to the rocks io ft.

, turning putrid and swarming with bacteria after a few hours.

It is also a traditional way of purifying and sweetening water, known to render even putrid water palatable.

Outside the fort nothing was to be seen but burnt-down houses and putrid bodies.

The first attempt to manufacture sal ammoniac in Europe was made, about the beginning of the 18th century, by Mr Goodwin, a chemist of London, who appears to have used the mother ley of common salt and putrid urine as ingredients.

" Beagle " found putrid musselshells still adhering to the rocks io ft.

It should always be specially noted whether the fungi to be consumed are in a fresh and wholesome condition, otherwise they act as a poison in precisely the same way as does any other semi-putrid vegetable.

, the sugar being dissolved in water and acidified by a small quantity of tartaric acid and then fermented by the addition of sour milk, with a little putrid cheese.

The wretched inmates were dependent for food upon the caprice of their gaolers or the charity of the benevolent; water was denied them except in the scantiest proportions; their only bedding was putrid straw.

Open spaces of great extent are numerous within the walls, but for the most part they are defaced by mounds of rubbish and putrid refuse.




incorruptness, fresh,

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