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putt Meaning in Tamil ( putt வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குழிப் பந்தாட்டத்தில், குழியில் பந்து விழுமாறு இலேசாகத் தட்டு, பழுதுள்ள,

putt's Usage Examples:

If you are involved in a large project it is cheaper to make your own lime putty by slaking quicklime.

"Ribs," I said, putting my hand to my side.

sputtering from a graphite target.

Strangely enough, this liberty meant increase of power for the Clericals; for besides putting an end to stringent state interference in the education of future priests, it made possible a free and far-reaching Catholic school system whose crown was the episcopally controlled university of Louvain (1834).

"Practically," she lied, dodging backwards and putting a stanchion between them.

Frank Skinner is putting the finishing touches to an old Gypsy caravan in the Bull Inn's yard.

When a noun comes first, it is followed by a relative pronoun, thus, Dafydd a brynodd lyfr yno, which really means " (it is) David who bought a book there," and is never used in any other sense in the spoken language, though in literary Welsh it is used rhetorically for the simple statement which is properly expressed by putting the verb first.

The series of halves 2 in the one case, and of thirds in the I O I other, are entirely different series of 2 fractional numbers, but we can corn ‚ 0 0 pare them by putting each in its proper position in relation to the series of sixths.

Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.

Working with our joint venture company, Autogas Ltd, we're putting autogas refueling facilities on prime retail forecourts operated by Shell Retail.

If we construct the quadric Axi+By2+Czi 2Fyz2Gzx 2HXy M~4, (3c~) where e is an arbitrary linear magnitude, the intercept r which it makes on a radius drawn in the direction X, u, v is found by putting x, y, zAr, ur, Pr.

The number of eggs laid is enormous, one computation putting it at twenty thousand.

He seems, however, not to have been contented with this position, and to have entertained the design of putting an end to the dependent kingdoms.




bottom out, fall back,

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