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pupa Meaning in Tamil ( pupa வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கூட்டுப் புழுப் பருவப்பூச்சி, கூட்டுப் புழு,

pupa தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நன்கு வளர்ந்த புழு தண்டின் உள்ளேயே கூட்டுப் புழுவாக மாறி, பின் வண்டாக வெளி வரும்.

| கூட்டுப் புழுக்கள் || || தமிழ் || கதாநாயகன்.

கூட்டுப் புழுப்பருவம் :-.

முழு வளா;ச்சியடைந்த  கருந்தலைப் புழுக்கள் கூட்டுப் புழுக்களாக மாற்ற மடைகின்றன.

செருமானியப் பெண் அறிவியலாளர்கள் கூட்டுப் புழுக்கள் என்பது 1987 ஆவது ஆண்டில் ஆர்.

வண்ணத்துப் பூச்சிகள் மூன்று பருவநிலைகளை தாண்டி, கூட்டுப் புழுவில் இருந்து வெளிவரும் போது,முழு வளர்ச்சியடைந்த வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சியாக பிறக்கிறது.

"ஒரு கூட்டுப் புழு" - பத்மலதா.

pupa's Usage Examples:

After the second larval moult, he passes through a passive stage comparable to the pupa-stadium of an b insect, and during this stage, which occurs inside the root, the reproductive organs are perfected.

Before passing into the pupal stage, the larva partially closes the orifice of the tube with silk or pieces of stone loosely spun together and pervious to water.

overwinter as a caterpillar and pupate the following spring.

"A gnat pupa swims through the water by powerful strokes of its abdomen, while the caddis-fly pupa, in preparation for its final ecdysis, bites its way out of its subaqueous protective case and rises through the water, so that the fly may emerge into the air.

The growth of the parasitic larva does not stop the development of the host-larva, and when the latter pupates and assumes the winged form, the stylopid, which has completed its transformation, is carried to the outer world.

He carefully studied also the history of the ant and was the first to show that what had been commonly reputed to be "ants' eggs" are really their pupae, containing the perfect insect nearly ready for emersion, whilst the true eggs are far smaller, and give origin to "maggots" or larvae.

In the degree of mobility there is great diversity among pupae.

Young animals always unlike parents, the wing-rudiments developing beneath the larval cuticle and only appearing in a penultimate pupal instar, which takes no food and is usually passive.

Mandibles absent in imago, very exceptionally present in pupa; first maxillae nearly always without laciniae and often without palps, or only with vestigial palps, their galeae elongated and grooved inwardly so as to form a sucking trunk.

He even noted the fact that the pupa of the flea is sometimes attacked and fed upon by a mite - an observation which suggested the well.

- A, Wireworm; B, pupa of Click Beetle; C, adult Click Beetle (Agriotes lineatum).

The reproduction of tsetse-flies is highly remarkable; instead of laying eggs or being ovovivi parous the females deposit at intervals of about a fortnight or three weeks a single full-grown larva, which forthwith buries itself in the ground to a depth of several centi metres, and assumes the pupal state.

- e,f, Owl moth (Heliothis armigera); a,b, egg, highly magnified; c, larva or caterpillar; d, pupa in earthen cell.


chrysalis, insect,



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